69 research outputs found

    Geometric Registration of High-genus Surfaces

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    This paper presents a method to obtain geometric registrations between high-genus (g≥1g\geq 1) surfaces. Surface registration between simple surfaces, such as simply-connected open surfaces, has been well studied. However, very few works have been carried out for the registration of high-genus surfaces. The high-genus topology of the surface poses great challenge for surface registration. A possible approach is to partition surfaces into simply-connected patches and registration is done patch by patch. Consistent cuts are required, which are usually difficult to obtain and prone to error. In this work, we propose an effective way to obtain geometric registration between high-genus surfaces without introducing consistent cuts. The key idea is to conformally parameterize the surface into its universal covering space, which is either the Euclidean plane or the hyperbolic disk embedded in R2\mathbb{R}^2. Registration can then be done on the universal covering space by minimizing a shape mismatching energy measuring the geometric dissimilarity between the two surfaces. Our proposed algorithm effectively computes a smooth registration between high-genus surfaces that matches geometric information as much as possible. The algorithm can also be applied to find a smooth and bijective registration minimizing any general energy functionals. Numerical experiments on high-genus surface data show that our proposed method is effective for registering high-genus surfaces with geometric matching. We also applied the method to register anatomical structures for medical imaging, which demonstrates the usefulness of the proposed algorithm

    QCMC: Quasi-conformal Parameterizations for Multiply-connected domains

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    This paper presents a method to compute the {\it quasi-conformal parameterization} (QCMC) for a multiply-connected 2D domain or surface. QCMC computes a quasi-conformal map from a multiply-connected domain SS onto a punctured disk DSD_S associated with a given Beltrami differential. The Beltrami differential, which measures the conformality distortion, is a complex-valued function μ:S→C\mu:S\to\mathbb{C} with supremum norm strictly less than 1. Every Beltrami differential gives a conformal structure of SS. Hence, the conformal module of DSD_S, which are the radii and centers of the inner circles, can be fully determined by μ\mu, up to a M\"obius transformation. In this paper, we propose an iterative algorithm to simultaneously search for the conformal module and the optimal quasi-conformal parameterization. The key idea is to minimize the Beltrami energy subject to the boundary constraints. The optimal solution is our desired quasi-conformal parameterization onto a punctured disk. The parameterization of the multiply-connected domain simplifies numerical computations and has important applications in various fields, such as in computer graphics and vision. Experiments have been carried out on synthetic data together with real multiply-connected Riemann surfaces. Results show that our proposed method can efficiently compute quasi-conformal parameterizations of multiply-connected domains and outperforms other state-of-the-art algorithms. Applications of the proposed parameterization technique have also been explored.Comment: 26 pages, 23 figures, submitted. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1402.6908, arXiv:1307.2679 by other author

    The Theory of Computational Quasi-conformal Geometry on Point Clouds

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    Quasi-conformal (QC) theory is an important topic in complex analysis, which studies geometric patterns of deformations between shapes. Recently, computational QC geometry has been developed and has made significant contributions to medical imaging, computer graphics and computer vision. Existing computational QC theories and algorithms have been built on triangulation structures. In practical situations, many 3D acquisition techniques often produce 3D point cloud (PC) data of the object, which does not contain connectivity information. It calls for a need to develop computational QC theories on PCs. In this paper, we introduce the concept of computational QC geometry on PCs. We define PC quasi-conformal (PCQC) maps and their associated PC Beltrami coefficients (PCBCs). The PCBC is analogous to the Beltrami differential in the continuous setting. Theoretically, we show that the PCBC converges to its continuous counterpart as the density of the PC tends to zero. We also theoretically and numerically validate the ability of PCBCs to measure local geometric distortions of PC deformations. With these concepts, many existing QC based algorithms for geometry processing and shape analysis can be easily extended to PC data

    Fast Disk Conformal Parameterization of Simply-connected Open Surfaces

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    Surface parameterizations have been widely used in computer graphics and geometry processing. In particular, as simply-connected open surfaces are conformally equivalent to the unit disk, it is desirable to compute the disk conformal parameterizations of the surfaces. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for the conformal parameterization of a simply-connected open surface onto the unit disk, which significantly speeds up the computation, enhances the conformality and stability, and guarantees the bijectivity. The conformality distortions at the inner region and on the boundary are corrected by two steps, with the aid of an iterative scheme using quasi-conformal theories. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method

    A Linear Formulation for Disk Conformal Parameterization of Simply-Connected Open Surfaces

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    Surface parameterization is widely used in computer graphics and geometry processing. It simplifies challenging tasks such as surface registrations, morphing, remeshing and texture mapping. In this paper, we present an efficient algorithm for computing the disk conformal parameterization of simply-connected open surfaces. A double covering technique is used to turn a simply-connected open surface into a genus-0 closed surface, and then a fast algorithm for parameterization of genus-0 closed surfaces can be applied. The symmetry of the double covered surface preserves the efficiency of the computation. A planar parameterization can then be obtained with the aid of a M\"obius transformation and the stereographic projection. After that, a normalization step is applied to guarantee the circular boundary. Finally, we achieve a bijective disk conformal parameterization by a composition of quasi-conformal mappings. Experimental results demonstrate a significant improvement in the computational time by over 60%. At the same time, our proposed method retains comparable accuracy, bijectivity and robustness when compared with the state-of-the-art approaches. Applications to texture mapping are presented for illustrating the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm

    A Conformal Approach for Surface Inpainting

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    We address the problem of surface inpainting, which aims to fill in holes or missing regions on a Riemann surface based on its surface geometry. In practical situation, surfaces obtained from range scanners often have holes where the 3D models are incomplete. In order to analyze the 3D shapes effectively, restoring the incomplete shape by filling in the surface holes is necessary. In this paper, we propose a novel conformal approach to inpaint surface holes on a Riemann surface based on its surface geometry. The basic idea is to represent the Riemann surface using its conformal factor and mean curvature. According to Riemann surface theory, a Riemann surface can be uniquely determined by its conformal factor and mean curvature up to a rigid motion. Given a Riemann surface SS, its mean curvature HH and conformal factor λ\lambda can be computed easily through its conformal parameterization. Conversely, given λ\lambda and HH, a Riemann surface can be uniquely reconstructed by solving the Gauss-Codazzi equation on the conformal parameter domain. Hence, the conformal factor and the mean curvature are two geometric quantities fully describing the surface. With this λ\lambda-HH representation of the surface, the problem of surface inpainting can be reduced to the problem of image inpainting of λ\lambda and HH on the conformal parameter domain. Once λ\lambda and HH are inpainted, a Riemann surface can be reconstructed which effectively restores the 3D surface with missing holes. Since the inpainting model is based on the geometric quantities λ\lambda and HH, the restored surface follows the surface geometric pattern. We test the proposed algorithm on synthetic data as well as real surface data. Experimental results show that our proposed method is an effective surface inpainting algorithm to fill in surface holes on an incomplete 3D models based their surface geometry.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Convergence of an iterative algorithm for Teichm\"uller maps via generalized harmonic maps

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    Finding surface mappings with least distortion arises from many applications in various fields. Extremal Teichm\"uller maps are surface mappings with least conformality distortion. The existence and uniqueness of the extremal Teichm\"uller map between Riemann surfaces of finite type are theoretically guaranteed [1]. Recently, a simple iterative algorithm for computing the Teichm\"uller maps between connected Riemann surfaces with given boundary value was proposed in [11]. Numerical results was reported in the paper to show the effectiveness of the algorithm. The method was successfully applied to landmark-matching registration. The purpose of this paper is to prove the iterative algorithm proposed in [11] indeed converges.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1005.3292 by other author

    Inconsistent Surface Registration via Optimization of Mapping Distortions

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    We address the problem of registering two surfaces, of which a natural bijection between them does not exist. More precisely, only a partial subset of the source surface is assumed to be in correspondence with a subset of the target surface. We call such a problem an {\it inconsistent surface registration (ISR)} problem. This problem is challenging as the corresponding regions on each surface and a meaningful bijection between them have to be simultaneously determined. In this paper, we propose a variational model to solve the ISR problem by minimizing mapping distortions. Mapping distortions are described by the Beltrami coefficient as well as the differential of the mapping. Registration is then guided by feature landmarks and/or intensities, such as curvatures, defined on each surface. The key idea of the approach is to control angle and scale distortions via quasiconformal theory as well as minimizing landmark and/or intensity mismatch. A splitting method is proposed to iteratively search for the optimal corresponding regions as well as the optimal bijection between them. Bijectivity of the mapping is easily enforced by a thresholding of the Beltrami coefficient. We test the proposed method on both synthetic and real examples. Experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed model

    Modal Uncertainty Estimation via Discrete Latent Representation

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    Many important problems in the real world don't have unique solutions. It is thus important for machine learning models to be capable of proposing different plausible solutions with meaningful probability measures. In this work we introduce such a deep learning framework that learns the one-to-many mappings between the inputs and outputs, together with faithful uncertainty measures. We call our framework {\it modal uncertainty estimation} since we model the one-to-many mappings to be generated through a set of discrete latent variables, each representing a latent mode hypothesis that explains the corresponding type of input-output relationship. The discrete nature of the latent representations thus allows us to estimate for any input the conditional probability distribution of the outputs very effectively. Both the discrete latent space and its uncertainty estimation are jointly learned during training. We motivate our use of discrete latent space through the multi-modal posterior collapse problem in current conditional generative models, then develop the theoretical background, and extensively validate our method on both synthetic and realistic tasks. Our framework demonstrates significantly more accurate uncertainty estimation than the current state-of-the-art methods, and is informative and convenient for practical use

    Restoration of Atmospheric Turbulence-distorted Images via RPCA and Quasiconformal Maps

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    We address the problem of restoring a high-quality image from an observed image sequence strongly distorted by atmospheric turbulence. A novel algorithm is proposed in this paper to reduce geometric distortion as well as space-and-time-varying blur due to strong turbulence. By considering a suitable energy functional, our algorithm first obtains a sharp reference image and a subsampled image sequence containing sharp and mildly distorted image frames with respect to the reference image. The subsampled image sequence is then stabilized by applying the Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA) on the deformation fields between image frames and warping the image frames by a quasiconformal map associated with the low-rank part of the deformation matrix. After image frames are registered to the reference image, the low-rank part of them are deblurred via a blind deconvolution, and the deblurred frames are then fused with the enhanced sparse part. Experiments have been carried out on both synthetic and real turbulence-distorted video. Results demonstrate that our method is effective in alleviating distortions and blur, restoring image details and enhancing visual quality.Comment: 21 pages, 24 figure
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